Kobe University

GSICS (Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies)

Teaching Staff

(FY 2024)

International Studies Program

Name Position Research Fields Courses
NISHITANI Makiko Professor International Relations, Global Governance, International Norms International Relations, Special Seminar
AKAHOSHI Sho Associate Professor International Institutions, Global Governance, Forced Migration Studies, Human rights and Humanitarianism Issues in Peace and Development I, Special Seminar
BISRI Mizan Bustanul Fuady Project Assistant Professor Disaster Risk Management, Humanitarian Studies, Regional Cooperation in Southeast Asia Regional Cooperation & Risk Management in ASEAN+3
OGAWA Keiichi Professor Economics of Education, Education Finance, Education Policy and Planning Human Capital Development, World Bank and SDGs, United Nations and SDGs, Special Seminar
SAKURAI Aiko Professor Disaster Education Research and Implementation, Comprehensive School Safety, International Cooperation for Disaster Risk Reduction Development Evaluation, Special Seminar
SAKAUE Katsuki Associate Professor International Educational Development, Economics of Education, Evaluation of Education Policy Social Research Methods for Development, Special Seminar
CHIKADA Masahiro Professor Comparative Education, Higher Education Special Seminar
KUZUKI Koichi Associate Professor Educational Sociology, Higher Education Research
NAKAZAWA Minato Professor Global Health, Public Health, Human Ecology and Demography Demography, Medical Anthropology, Environmental Health, Special Seminar
KAMEOKA Masanori Professor Global Health, Virology Special Seminar
MASUJIMA Ken Professor International Cooperation for Development, Global North-South Relations, Comparative Regionalism Special Seminar
KURUSU Kaoru Professor International Relations, Human Security, Japan's Multilateral Diplomacy Special Seminar
KONDO Tamiyo Professor Housing Policy, Planning for Built Environment, Housing Recovery Post-Disaster Recovery Planning, Special Seminar
OTAZAWA Toshimori Professor Civil Engineering, Infrastructure Planning and Management Disaster Risk Management

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Development and Economics Program

Name Position Research Fields Courses
TAKAHASHI Shingo Professor Labor economics, Personnel Economics, Applied Econometrics Statistics, Socio-Economic Development Theory, Special Seminar
ITO Takahiro Associate Professor Development Microeconomics, Applied Econometrics, Policy Evaluation Microeconomics, Special Seminar
UCHIDA Yuichiro Professor Development Economics, Economic Development in East Asia, Applied Economics/Econometrics International Economics, Growth Theory, Special Seminar
KODAMA Masahiro Professor Development Macroeconomics, Structural Transformation Macroeconomics, Special Seminar
KAWABATA Koji Associate Professor Applied Econometrics, Economic Development, Industrialization Econometrics, Special Seminar
INOUE Takeshi Associate Professor Development Finance, Financial Inclusion, International Remittances Monetary Theory, Special Seminar
KITANO Shigeto Professor International Macroeconomics Special Seminar
ZHAO Laixun Professor International Trade, Foreign Investment, Multinational Labor-Management Relations, Cross-Border Pollution, International Merger Special Seminar
KAJITANI Kai Professor Chinese Economics, Comparative Economics Special Seminar
HAMAGUCHI Nobuaki Professor Regional and Spatial Economics, Latin American Economy Special Seminar
SATO Takahiro Professor Indian Economy Special Seminar
MIYAZAKI Tomomi Professor Public Economics, Public Finance Public Finance, Special Seminar

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International Law / Law and Development Program

Name Position Research Fields Courses
SHIBATA Akiho Professor International Law Introduction to International Environmental Law, International Polar Law II, Special Seminar
HAYASHI Mika Professor International Law Introduction to International Cooperation Law, International Security and International Law, Special Seminar
OKADA Yohei Associate Professor International Law Introduction to Law of International Organizations, Introduction to International Human Rights Law, Special Seminar
YOTSUMOTO Kenji Professor Asian Constitutional Law Law and State Building, Special Seminar
KANEKO Yuka Professor Law and Development, Comparative Law in Asia, Law in Disasters Law and Economic Development, Special Seminar
SAITO Yoshihisa Associate Professor Social Law in Asia and Transition Economies Law and Social Development, Special Seminar

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Political Science and Area Studies Program

Name Position Research Fields Courses
MATSUNAMI Jun Professor Comparative Study of Deregulation, Privatization and Local Governments Japanese Politics, Local Government, Issues and Challenges of Asian Local Governments, Special Seminar
KIMURA Kan Professor Korean Nationalism and Historical Disputes in Northeast Asia Introduction to Political Analysis, Special Seminar
OTSUKA Keijiro Project Professor Development Economics Transformation of Poor Economies
KAWAMURA Yusuke Associate Professor Poilitics in the Middle East and North Africa, Social Policy in Authoritarian Countries Principles of Political Research, Special Seminar
NAKAHARA Masato Assistant Professor Japan's Postwar History, Self-Defense Forces and Defense Issues, Japanese Studies Risk Management I, Risk Management II
YAMAGUCHI Yuka Project Assistant Professor History of Citizen's Movement, History of Zainichi-Koreans, Postwar History between Japan and Korea
MINOHARA Tosh Professor US-Japan Relations, Diplomacy, International Politics, Intelligence, and Security Studies Special Seminar
YASUI Hiroki Professor Party Politics in Germany Special Seminar

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Visiting Professor

Name Affiliation Courses
STEINER-KHAMSI Gita Columbia University Education policy
KAMAL Maksud University of Dhaka International Disaster Risk Management
IZUMI Yasuo Oriental Consultants Clobal Co., Ltd. Special Lecture on Development Planning
LATIF Scherezad Joya Monami World Bank Special Lecture on Development Management (Education Cooperation)
MASE Hiroyuki Ministry of Foreign Affairs
TAKAHASHI Motoki Kyoto University International Development Cooperation
KATAYAMA Hiromichi UNESCO Education Cooperation Theory (Educational Development Evaluation)
BYAMUGISHA Albert Office of the Prime Minister of Uganda SDGs and Public Policy in Africa

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Adjunct Lecturer

Name Affiliation Courses
HIRANO Tetsuya The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Law of the International Civil Service
IGA Tsukasa Nagoya University Special Lecture on Political and Social Development
INADA Juichi Senshu University
KIBA Saya Kobe City University of Foreign Studies
KOBAYASHI Tomohiko Otaru University of Commerce
KOCHI Ikuho Kanazawa University Environmental Economics
NISHIMURA Momoko Tokyo Woman's Christian University
OHTSU Nobuhito Fire and Disaster Management College Community Empowerment for Disaster Risk Reduction
TAKENAKA Toshiko University of Washington Special Lecture on Institution Building (Law and Litigation on Intellectual Properties)
TAKEUCHI Nobuyuki University of Marketing and Distribution Sciences
TOSA Hiroyuki Notre Dame Sishin University Issues in Peace and Development II
UCHIYAMA Naoko Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Mathematics for Social Sciences
UMEMIYA Naoki Sophia University Development Management
BRADSHAW Kevin David Academic Writing A ・ B


KODAMA Masahiro

I am an alumnus of GSICS as well as being on the teaching staff. I learned economics from scratch in this program. After working for a research institute for some years, I returned to this school as an associate professor. As can be observed from my experience, students can study economics in GSICS from a basic level to the researcher level. The teaching staff of our program understand not only economic theories but also actual developing economies. Thus, students can learn about both. The provision of knowledge of both economics and actual developing economies is one of our program's distinct features.

KODAMA Masahiro
